Ukrainian (UA)English (United Kingdom)
Floramozaika (floramosaic)

 Floramozaika (Floramosaic)

Floramozaika is the art of creating three-dimensional panneau using burnished and painted grains, seeds, fruit pits and bones.
A master of floramozaika Olga Litus uses only Ukrainian materials in her works. Mainly they are seeds of cucumbers, melons and watermelons; fruit pits and bones of Ukrainian plants such as plums, cherry-plums, apricots, cherries, white-rod, grapes, sea-buckthorn; grains of buckwheat and millet.
Creating a panneau Mrs. Olga applies all her heart and soul into it. It’s really a troublesome work. Panneau of floramozaika fills heart with joy, brings inner peace.

Panneau is made from seeds and fruit pits and bones of Ukrainian plants: cherry-plums, plums, cherries, grapes, melons and watermelons; grains of buckwheat and millet.
 Ольга Літус презентує свої роботи  Президенту України Віктору Ющенку

Ольга Літус презентує свої роботи  Президенту України Віктору Ющенку
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